
Chitowe Project-Chikwawa
Sesame production in Malawi probably began in the southern region of the country and later spread out to the rest of the country. It should be mentioned that Malawi specific research for this crop is currently very limited although some variety recommendations are available. International research priorities in sesame include the identification of higher yielding and non-shattering varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting and exploitation of sesames nutrient profile.
However, there have been challenges in the production of sesame in Malawi as there are no formal markets available locally. Most of the farmers interviewed in Nsanje district sell their produce to vendors from Mozambique.
Recently from 2011 there has been a major boost in sesame production, most farmers have grown the crop due to the increase in demand on the world market as portrayed by an influx of foreigners from neighboring countries. Over the last 3 years, the selling price for sesame has been increasing with the 2013/2014 growing season recording prices of as high as K600.00 per Kg.
The government applies the demand driven mode of extension services whereby a farmer goes to the extension worker to ask for advice, as a result, most small-scale farmers have had challenges to access extension services form the government because they exist sparsely.